Protection orders against a family member from whom you have a credible fear of domestic violence are only one kind of restraining order; Tennessee law also recognizes restraining orders meant to protect elderly and vulnerable adults and those meant to prevent workplace violence.
If you are in a good mood, you can easily make it go away by clicking on any news site and finding clickbait about nightmarish scenarios of varying degrees of plausibility. Some people do not need to look beyond the walls of their own houses to find a reason to live in fear, however. The only more stressful thing than getting out of a domestic violence situation is staying in one because you are not sure how to protect yourself and leave the relationship. Do not wait until you or another member of your household suffers a serious physical injury before you seek help. A Murfreesborofamily law attorney can help you seek and enforce a protection order against your ex-spouse or estranged spouse.
Domestic Violence Protection Orders
The Tennessee courts issue domestic violence protection orders for people who have experienced physical violence or credible threats of physical violence from members of their household, including spouses, parents, siblings, children, and grandchildren. If you have a protection order against your spouse during your divorce case, you and your spouse cannot contact each other directly; you will need to communicate through your lawyers. If you have a protective order against your ex-spouse, the court might order supervised parenting time for your ex. This means that another adult, usually an extended family member, may need to assist with exchanges and parenting time.
Orders of Protection for Elderly or Vulnerable Adults
The law also recognizes a specific category of protection orders for elderly adults, defined as those over age 70, and vulnerable adults, defined as all adults with physical or intellectual disabilities that make them unable to protect themselves from physical and financial abuse. These protection orders can prevent a scammer or abusive caregiver from contacting the victim.
Workplace Restraining Orders
The Tennessee Workplace Violence Act aims to prevent violence against employees while they are at work or commuting to or from work. If someone has been harassing you at work or following you to or from your workplace, you can file a motion with the court to order the person to stay away from your workplace and not to contact you when you are at work or anywhere else. This type of restraining order applies if you met the person through your work; if your ex-spouse or ex-partner harasses you at work, you should seek a domestic violence protection order instead of a workplace restraining order.
Contact David L. Scott About Filing for a Restraining Order
A family law attorney can help you file for a restraining order against your ex-spouse or ex-partner, or an abusive family member. Contact David L. Scott in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, or call (615)896-7656 to set up a consultation.